Saturday, June 6, 2009

Food, INC

I just saw the trailer on youtube for this documentary called Food, INC. It is playing in NYC,LA,and San Francisco on the 12th. It looks real dope cannot wait to see it!

16 more days

16 more days until I start work! I am so excited to get up out of this house while my time is very relaxing and what not, its about that time to start being more productive with my life. I just had one of those weeks where I am trying to get so many things done yet, I keep having all these minor set backs. i.e. my school faxes not going through after the two weeks and two tries. My phone being turned off due to insufficient funds in my bank account(lol) sucks ,but I will be alright its just that now I could be missing other job opportunities and the other thing that I am praying to God and crossing my fingers for. I decided this year I am going to let go and LET God it just lifts up so much weight off my head when I decide I will accept help from else where. Hmmm I was watching the documentary The World According to Monsanto and it was the most disturbing documentary I have seen yet. I mean this documentary makes me want to become of vegetarian and fork up the dollars so that I can afford 100% organic and conventional grown food. You should check out the documentary I think its good to be conscious on what we put into our bodies even though it seems impossible to avoid GMO ...So I am going to try to stay away from milk because in the states its pumped up with rBGH some type of (bovine growth hormone they give to cows). Milk is a small step but hopefully that will lead to bigger steps. We will see because I remember after reading Fast Food Nation and watching Super Size me I vowed to never eat fast food again..that did not last. Now that I think of it when I read Upton Sinclair The Jungle I tried to become a vegetarian and that did not last either =(

Sunday, May 31, 2009

1st blog ever

Hey im sitting here watching Tv One's Access with Tatiyana Ali while she is going on dates with the top ten elgible black bachelors. Right now she is with Hill Harper (He is so sexy just because he is so smart)who came in fourth place, now Jamie Foxx at third...the Roch at two. TV One is my new bestfriend they are always playing these underground Black movies that I would never see otherwise, I am not sure if tv one is connected to BET. Any how ive been home bored out of my mind but suprisingly relaxed,still getting over a serious hard long spring semester. This is my first entry so I am a little shy but hopefully it will get better...I know I have a lot to say and feel like blogging can be very therapeutic atleast thats what I been getting from reading and following other bloggers. OMG...another great part of being home is the food!!My aunt has been putting her foot in every single meal since I been home for the past two weeks. Yesterday I had yams,fried fish(drenced in hot sauce),and mac N steak,potatoes, and some bangin rice. It is so much better than oodles of noodles. OMG Idris Elba coming in at number 2 his eyes are hypnotizing its just something about the way he looks I cannot quite pin point it ...I think it cause he is very masculine,handsomish and the british accent does not hurt. But I am very excited to start blogging its free therapy! any ways Waiting to Exhale is about to come on bye.